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Japanese Cooking 5

Japanese Cooking 5

Serve 4-6

Fried Rice  (炒飯)

3 tablespoons margarine (マーガリン) 1 burdock (ごぼう)
4 bacon sliced  (ベーコン) 4 cups cooked rice (ご飯)
2 tablespoon sesame(ゴマ) 2 tablespoon Mirin  (みりん)
2 tablespoon soy sauce (醤油) 1 tablespoon honey (はちみつ)

1. Using the peeler, slice the burdock very thinly.
2. Heat the margarine in a frying pan or wok, and stir-fry the bacon.
3. Add the burdock, then soy sauce, Mirin, and honey.
4. Add the rice, and continue to stir-fry until the rice is thoroughly heated. Garnish with sesame.

Gyoza (餃子)

150g ground chicken (鶏ひき肉)      2 plum unseeded (梅干)
1/2 tablespoon ginger ground (しょうが)   1/2 tablespoon soy sauce (醤油)
20 Shiso (Japanese Basil) (しそ)       20-30 Gyoza skin (餃子の皮)
1 tablespoon starch (片栗粉) 1 tablespoon oil (油)
5 shrimp unshelled (海老)

1. In a plastic bag, mix the ground chicken, shrimp, plum, ginger, starch, soy sauce thoroughly.
2. Cut the shrimp into 1cm. Tear the Shiso(Japanese Basil) into small pieces.
3. On the Gyoza skin, place Shiso, then squeeze 1 from the plastic bag, and put shrimp on the top.
4. Wrap it up!
5. On the frying pan, heat the oil, and place Gyoza with medium heat. After 2 minutes, pour 1/4 cup water. Cover and simmer for 5-6 minutes.

Octopus Salad (タコのサラダ)

200g boiled octpus (ゆでダコ)       2 tomato(トマト)
1 cucumber  (きゅうり)           4 Shiso (Japanese Basil) (しそ)
1/2 Avocado if any (アボカド) or celery (セロリ)         
4 tablespoon dried wakame(乾燥わかめ) 
2 tablespoon vinegar (酢) 4 tablespoon oil (油)
1 tablespoon soy sauce(醤油) 1 tablespoon sugar(砂糖)
1/4 tablespoon salt (塩)

1. Soak the dried wakame in a warm water.
2. In a small bowl, mix the vinegar, oil, soy sauce, sugar, and salt. Put aside.
3. Slice the octopus thinly.
4. Slice avocado(or celery, tomato, cucumber .and Shiso leaf.
5. Mix all ingredients and dressing.

Bean Noodle Soup (春雨スープ)

50g Harusame (Bean noodles) (春雨)
2 Nappa Leaf (白菜)             1/4 carrot(ニンジン)
1/2 pack Shimeji mushroom (しめじ)
2 cup soy milk(豆乳) 2 tablespoon Shirodashi(白だし)

1. Cut Nappa Leaf into 1 cm. Finely slice the carrot into matchstick. Separate Shimeji Mushroom.
2. In a saucepan, bring 3 cup water, and put Nappa leaf, carrot, and Shimeji Mushroom, and simmer 2-3 minutes.
3 Add the bean noodles, then Shirodashi & Soy milk.

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